
UNAI 加盟校として、Rio+20 のSignatory Eventへ参加


一方、ホテル価格の高騰等もあり、リオ市への経済効果も相当に大きかったと思われる。上記期間のうち各国政府による「本会議」は20日~22日の3日間、リオ・セントロというイベント会場(ビッグサイト5つ分のような巨大な施設)の会議室で行われ、本会議中も含む全期間を通じて「サイドイベント」と呼ばれる展示やワークショップ、シンポジウム、イベントなどがリオ市内の主要施設を使用して開催され、筆者(国際学部准教授 海津ゆりえ)試算でその数は500以上に及んだ。

文教大学は、今年(2012年)1月に加盟した国連アカデミックインパクト (UNAI) 1)参加校として、上記のひとつでUNAIが共催するサイドイベント「Launch of a Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20」2)への参加資格を得、筆者が登録参加者として列席することとなった。このサイドイベントは国連広報局(UNDPI)が主催し、国連グローバルインパクト、ユネスコ、国連環境計画、国連大学、UNAIが共催して開催さた。


1)UNAI公式ホームページ: http://outreach.un.org/unai/
2)Launch of a Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20概要: http://www.uncsd2012.org/index.php?page=view&type=1000&nr=107&menu=126
3)High Educiation Sustainability Initiative  http://www.uncsd2012.org/index.php?page=view&nr=341&type=12&menu=35

Bunkyo University’s Commitments to Sustainable Development
Between 2012 and 2015

1. Bunkyo University has organized its curriculum that already satisfies the sustainable development objectives both in the undergraduate and graduate courses of the Faculty of International Studies. The curriculum will be further developed and expanded in view of Bunkyo’s avowed commitment to Rio+20 in 2012 through 2015.

2.The Sustainability Projects under way are:
– Green Campus Project: Resource recycling, and water and energy conservation
– Around-campus Environment Conservation Project: Conservation of natural environment around campus by students and local citizens
– Volunteering/Internship and Field Training in Japan and abroad
– Graduate Student Field Research Training in Japan and abroad

3. The Goals of afore-mentioned Projects: Aim to develop and foster human resources who could contribute to the international community as so-called “global citizens” with keen awareness of sustainability. The faculty members on the other hand strive to develop and expand the ties with academic associations/institutions, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies related to their specialties, respectively, to satisfy the goals. The areas of specialties include: Environmental Economics, Environmental Sociology, Environmental Development Assistance, International Environment Law System, Eco-tourism.

4. The progress of works and achievement by Bunkyo shall be made public on the website of the Faculty of International Studies and the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, as well as in the website of UNAI Japan which is linked to UNIC.