10/24(月)開催 国連デー@東北大学:東日本大震災からの復興、そして新生
プレスリリース 11-061-J 2011年10月13日
「国連デー」は1945年10月24日に国連憲章が発効したことを記念して設けられた国連の記念日です。今年は、「国連デー@東北大学:東日本大震災からの復興、そして新生 ~東北から世界へ」をテーマに、東北大学川内キャンパス(仙台市)でイベントが開催されます。
イベント:「国連デー@東北大学:東日本大震災からの復興、そして新生 ~東北から世界へ」
日 時:2011年10月24日(月)10:30~17:30 (受付開始9:45)
会 場:東北大学・川内萩ホール【地図】http://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/hagihall/
主 催:東北大学、在日国連諸機関
後 援:外務省(予定)、文部科学省(予定)、グローバル・コンパクト・ジャパン・ネットワーク(GC-JN)、日本産学フォーラム(BUF)、ほか
定 員:午前の部、午後の部とも各1,200名
言 語:日本語(英語への同時通訳あり)
○ 午前の部
【MC:アナウンサー 浜知美】
9:45~ 受付開始
10:30~ オープニング
・主催者代表挨拶 東北大学総長 井上明久
日本産学フォーラム(BUF)代表世話人 小宮山宏
仙台市長 奥山恵美子
・(ビデオ)メッセージ 潘基文(パン・ギムン)国連事務総長
・災害分野連携協定報告 神戸大学長 福田秀樹
ファシリテータ:東北大学教授 山口昌弘
・「神戸大学からの報告(仮題)」 神戸大学教授 田中泰雄
食・農・村の復興支援プロジェクト 東北大学教授 中井裕
災害に強い情報通信ネットワーク 東北大学教授 中沢正隆
これからの環境エネルギー 東北大学教授 湯上浩雄
ファシリテータ:東北大学教授 大滝精一
グローバル・コンパクト・ボード・ジャパン(GC-BJ)議長 有馬利男
パナソニック株式会社 コーポレートコミュニケーション本部
社会文化グループ 戦略推進室 室長 横川亘
関東自動車工業(株)取締役社長 服部哲夫
(株)舞台ファーム代表取締役 針生信夫
日本産学フォーラム(BUF)代表世話人 小宮山宏
○ 午後の部
【MC:国連国際防災戦略事務局(UNISDR)駐日事務所代表 松岡由季】
14:30~ 受付開始
15:00~ 「災害と復興」国連の活動紹介(ビデオクリップ)
15:05~ オープニング
・国連関係者挨拶 国際労働機関(ILO)駐日事務所代表 長谷川真一
ファシリテータ:国連広報センター(UNIC)所長 山下真理
パネリスト:国連開発計画(UNDP)親善大使 紺野美沙子
パネリスト:国連世界食糧計画(WFP)日本事務所民間連携推進マネージャー 佐野直哉
パネリスト:日本ユニセフ協会東日本大震災緊急支援本部コーディネーター 菊川穣
パネリスト:女川町長 安住宣孝
パネリスト:日本労働組合総連合会(連合)総合組織局長 山根木晴久
16:25~ 「災害とボランティア」からユース宣言へ
国連ボランティア計画(UNV)東京事務所駐在調整官 長瀬慎治
日本NPOセンター常務理事・事務局長 田尻佳史
兵庫県防災企画課防災事業係長 小山達也
神戸大学(学生代表) 野浪遙香
佛教大学(学生代表) 那須琢矢
東北大学(学生代表) 本山敬祐、斎藤麻子
・ユース宣言 学生代表
17: 25~ クロージング
・挨拶 国連地域開発センター(UNCRD)所長 高瀬千賀子
日 時:2011年10月24日(月)9:45~17:45
会 場:東北大学川内萩ホール内 1階ファカルティクラブ、2階ホワイエ
Tel: 022-217-5006/Fax: 022-217-4856
e-mail: skk-som@bureau.tohoku.ac.jp
Tel: 03-5467-4451/Fax: 03-5467-4455
Press Release 11-061-E 13/10/2011
Symposium in Commemoration of Tohoku University’s Participation in the
United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
24 October is celebrated every year around the world as “UN Day”, in commemoration of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945. This year, UN agencies in Japan, in close partnership with Tohoku University, will celebrate the UN Day with the theme, “UN DAY@TOHOKU UNIVERSITY: Recovery and Regeneration from the Great East Japan Earthquake – Messages from Tohoku to the World”.
Challenges faced in Japan after the massive earthquake on 11 March are not unique to the Tohoku region or to Japan, and sharing the extraordinary live experience and lessons learned from Tohoku could also be a contribution to future disaster prevention and relief efforts at the international level. On “UN Day at Tohoku University,” we will compare the experiences of the disaster-affected areas with experiences from other UN disaster relief operations and hope to draw some lessons that can be shared globally.
Tohoku University, co-organizer of this year’s UN Day event in Japan, has recently joined the UN Academic Impact (UNAI), with a strong commitment to actively address global challenges. The vision of the UNAI is to align institutions of higher education, scholarship and research with the United Nations in furthering the realization of the purposes and mandate of the Organization through activities and research in a shared culture of intellectual social responsibility. As of September 2011, about 700 universities in 108 countries have joined the UNAI, and there are 10 participating universities from Japan including Tohoku University as of today.
Consisting of two parts in the morning and the afternoon, the UN Day symposium will examine the experiences in Tohoku from several different angles, inviting representatives from various sectors. In the morning session, professors of Tohoku University and Kobe University as well as private sector representatives will report on their efforts in disaster prevention and reconstruction. In the afternoon, representatives from UN agencies, NGOs and trade union who collaborated in disaster relief activities with local governments will discuss the significance of “partnership” in such effort. Also, student volunteers who actively participated in the disaster relief activities will share their experiences, with a view to sharing their messages with the world.
Onsite information booths will also be set up, to display information materials from UN agencies and partner organizations. Please join us at this UN Day 2011, co-hosted by Tohoku University and the UN agencies of Japan.As global citizens living in Japan, let us spread the messages from Tohoku to the world.
Event: UN DAY@TOHOKU UNIVERSITY: Recovery and Regeneration from the Great East Japan Earthquake – Message from Tohoku to the World
Time: 10:30-17:30, Monday, 24 October 2011 (Registration starts at 9:45.)
Venue: Kawauchi Hagi Hall, Tohoku University ( http://www.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/hagihall/ )
Language: Japanese with simultaneous interpretation into English
Organized by: Tohoku University, United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) and other United Nations agencies based in Japan.
Supported by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Global Compact Japan Network (GC-JN), The Business-University Forum of Japan (BUF)
Capacity: 1,200 participants available for each session
Fee: Free of charge
Registration: Prior online Pre-registration is required at:
* For details and updates, please visit http://www.tohoku.ac.jp/unday/ .
Tentative Programme
Morning Session
Master of Ceremonies: Tomomi Hama
09:45- Start of registration
10:30- Opening
– Opening Remarks by Akihisa Inoue, President, Tohoku University
– Welcome Remarks by Hiroshi Komiyama, Representative, the Business-University Forum of Japan (BUF)
– Welcome Remarks by Emiko Okuyama, Mayor, Sendai City
– Video Message from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
– Report on “Tohoku University-Kobe University Partnership Agreement in Disaster Science” by Hideki Fukuda, President, Kobe University
Presentation 1:
“Regenerating a Sustainable Society: Proposals from the Academia”
Facilitated by Masahiro Yamaguchi, Professor, Tohoku University
–“Report from Kobe University” by Yasuo Tanaka, Professor, Kobe University
–“The Great East Japan Earthquake and Disaster Science”:
Food, Agriculture, and Village Support Projects by Professor Hiroshi Nakai
Strong Information Transition Networks during Disasters by Professor Masataka Nakazawa
Renewable Energy from Now by Professor Hiroo Yugami
Presentation 2:
“Regenerating a Sustainable Society: Proposals from the Private Sector”
Facilitated by Seiichi Otaki, Professor, Tohoku University
–“What the Business Community Can Contribute for Recovery and the Regeneration of Japan” by Toshio Arima, Chairman, Global Compact Board Japan (GC-BJ)
– "Examples of Cooperate Activities”
Wataru Yokokawa, General Manager, Panasonic Cooperation
Tetsuo Hattori, Representative Director, Kanto Auto Works, Ltd.
Nobuo Hariu, President, Butai Farm Ltd.
“Japan’s ‘Re-creation’ – With a Look to the Future” by Hiroshi Komiyama, BUF Representative
Afternoon session
Master of Ceremonies Yuka Matsuoka, Head, UNISDR Liaison Office in Japan
14:30- Start of Registration
15:00- Disaster and Recovery: United Nations in Action (video clip)
15:05- Opening Remark by Shinichi Hasegawa, Director, ILO Office in Japan
Panel discussion: “Working in Partnership in the Affected Areas”
Facilitated by Mari Yamashita, Director, UNIC Tokyo
– Misako Konno, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador and Actress
– Naoya Sano, WFP Partnership Manager
– Yutaka Kikugawa, Chief Coordinator, Japan Committee for UNICEF
– Nobutaka Azumi, Mayor, Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture
– Haruhisa Yamaneki, Executive Director, Organizational Affairs of Japanese Trade Union Confederation
“Disaster and Volunteers — Towards a Youth Declaration”
Facilitated by Shinji Nagase, Liaison Officer, UNV Tokyo Office
– Yoshifumi Tajiri, Managing Director, Japan NPO Center
– Tatsuya Koyama, Section Chief, Disaster Management and Planning Bureau, Hyogo Prefectural Government Office
– Student representatives from Kobe University, Bukkyo University and Tohoku University
Youth declaration by Student representatives
17:25- Closing
Closing Remarks by Chikako Takase, Director, UNCRD
Exhibition Booths
Time: 9:45-17:45, Monday, 24 October 2011
Venue: Kawauchi Hagi Hall, Tohoku University
Faculty Club on the 1st floor and Foyer on the 2nd floor
– Informational material on UN agencies and partners
– Introduction of activities of the Global Compact Japan Network (GC-JN)
– Presentation of activities by students’ volunteer group in Tohoku University
– Presentation of research on disaster science by Tohoku University and Kobe University
Tohoku University (UN Day)
Tel: 022-217-5006/Fax: 022-217-4856
e-mail: skk-som@bureau.tohoku.ac.jp
UN Information Centre (UNIC)
Tel: 03-5467-4451/Fax: 03-5467-4455
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/UN.Japan
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